
Today’s Thanksgiving. There are a lot of things that I am thankful for. And honestly, I really do live a blessed life. I have a pretty great husband. I have amazing children. And my grandkids, I don’t even have the words to describe awesome they are. one lives incredibly close to me and the otherContinue reading “Thankful”


I always knew that this day would come. Just like I knew that I would write this post.  Writing always seems to help, for me.   I had just hoped that it would come later.  But, that was not meant to be.  I guess the beginning would be a good place to start so that youContinue reading “Atlas”

Sunday Adventure!!

Since I am up here by myself, I try to keep myself busy.  During the week that is usually not an issue.  Get up, go to work, come home, make supper, finish working…you know the drill.  On Saturdays, I clean and I washed my truck yesterday…she is so clean!  But Sundays have an entire dayContinue reading “Sunday Adventure!!”


I have not written for some time now.  I have been terrible about it really.  I make no excuses, it is the way things go sometimes.  I am in a different place now and I actually have time to sit down and collect my thoughts.  I have time to write to you again.  I haveContinue reading “Hello”

Road trip

I know I haven’t written in a while, I I also know that some may care, while others may not. However, my life, just like everyone else’s life has been extremely busy. The thing that may or may not differentiate my life from someone else’s is that my husband works off. What I mean, isContinue reading “Road trip”

20 years

It’s amazing how fast time passes. Today, is kind of like a day 20 years ago today. It’s kind of rainy, a little cool, and I am a very very happy girl today. 20 years ago today, I married Rod Koelker. 20 years ago today, I became Gena Koelker. 20 years ago today I startedContinue reading “20 years”


I am guilty of a couple of things, I don’t think they’re actually really bad things, but I am guilty of them nonetheless. (there’s probably a lot more of my guilty list that I am aware, for the purposes of this article will say a couple things). I have a very very hard and fastContinue reading “Morals”


Apologize for not writing yesterday, Sunday was just a horrible day.m that carried over into Monday. Early Sunday morning my little Felix dog got hit by a car. It was kind of my fault, I didn’t have them on a leash, and I do live by a busier road. And that is something that IContinue reading “Sadness”


** don’t read this if you don’t want to read a quasi-political rant based on The crazy things that are going on in our country today ** I usually don’t get into political things. From my point of you live your life the way you want to. As long as it’s not bothering me, IContinue reading “Ashamed”